Tuesday, May 7, 2019

[WFRP] More Spells! Lore of Heavens

My project to expand the spells in WFRP 4th edition to accommodate more than just damage spells continues...

Looks like Nicholson but I don't know. Either way, it's awesome.
Lore of Heavens Spells
Lore of Heavens spells listed WFRP 249. Spells adapted from Realms of Sorcery marked with a *

Cerulean Shield
7 (-20)
+SL in Armor Points to all locations. If attacked by metal weapons, the attacker takes +WB damage.
Comet of Casandora
10 (-40)
Select a target point within Initiative score yards. After casting, roll Perception at the end of the next round: the comet strikes -SL x Init. Bonus yards away in a random direction. For every success, move the point of impact in a desired direction by Init. Bonus yards. Damage +12, +1 Ablaze, Prone to all in Init. Bonus yards of impact.
Fate's Fickle Fingers
6 (-10)
Pool Fortune Points of any allies within Init. Bonus yards of you, any may draw from the pool, first come, first served.
Finding Divination*
7 (-20)
Signs in the sky reveal an item’s location, either a specific item or general category (clean water, a horse). You learn the direction, but not the distance. This is as the crow flies, so barriers are not shown.
1 (+20)
Discovery is timing is favorable or not for an action. GM rolls secret Intelligence test (let’s you know if you incorrectly or correctly interpret). The omen only holds true for 2d10 hours.
Project Spirit*
6 (-10)
Loosen your invisible spirit form from your corporeal body, allowing you to travel, hear, and see as normal (limited by physical boundaries).
7 (-20)
For Initiative Bonus rounds, you can spend Fortune Points to force opponents in Willpower yards to reroll.
Signs in the Stars*
8 (-20)
Write a subtle message in the stars and their constellations. Requires a Secret Signs (Celestial Order) test to correctly interpret unless the ‘reader’ knows exactly what to look for. Necessarily, the messages will be simple.
T'Essla's Arc
7 (-20)
Lightning bolt strikes target in Willpower yards, +10 damage, +1 blinded.
First Portent of Amul
3 (0)
+1 Fortune, every +2 SLs +1 FP for Init. Bonus rounds
Second Portent of Amul
6 (-10)
Gain SLs in Fortune. 
Third Portent of Amul
12 (-40)
+1 Fate Point, must be used by the end of the Init. Bonus rounds or lost.

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