Saturday, May 11, 2019

[WFRP4] METAL Spells!

More spells for my ongoing series. The Lore of Metal suffered least from only combat useful spells, and I may change 1 or 2 of the spells adapted from the 2e supplement Realms of Sorcery. But here's what I'll be using for my next NPC Metal Wizard:

Crucible of Chamon
CN 7 (-20)
Melt non-magical metal object within Will. Bonus yards. If worn, the wearer takes Damage + WB that ignores Toughness. The melted metal itself remains salvageable.
CN6 (-10)
Enchant single weapon you touch, gains bonus to Damage equal to caster's Will Bonus plus any Qualities of choice (impact, etc.) for every additional 3 SLs. Alternatively, enchant a metal (chain or plate) piece or suit of armor, granting it +1 AP. Lasts WB rounds.
Feather of Lead
CN5 (-10)
For an area in diameter of Will. Bonus yards within Willpower yards, everyone counts as (pick one) either Encumbered (-10 Agility, -1 Move.) or Not Encumbered.
Fool's Gold
CN4 (0)
Touch an object, all its metal becomes gold for Willpower in minutes. This can ruin good weapons, make armor twice or three times as heavy, etc
Forge of Chamon
CN9 (-30)
For a single item made of metal, you may add 1 Quality or remove 1 Flaw per 2 SLs. Lasts Willpower minutes.
Glittering Robe
CN5 (-10)
Gain Ward 9+ (roll 1d10, if high enough, ignore) to all spells and attacks. Each successful ward increases the Robe's potency by 1 Ward to max Ward 3+. 
CN0 (+10)
Run your hand over a metal object, it gains an inscription of your chosen composition and calligraphy instantly. If you achieve +3 SLs, you may make the inscription a secret rune only visible to the eyes of someone you name (e.g. dwarfs, Karl Franz). Any wizard can cast inscription over an object and read this secret rune.
Molding of the Unstable Mind*
CN8 (-20)
Attempt to reform a sick mind into a healthy one by touching a person with corruption.  This spell does not work on oneself. After casting, the wizard rolls Intuition to reshape the target's mind, the target loses 1d10 corruption points if successful. If the test fails, the target gains 1d10 corruption points and the wizard must roll Cool or gain 1 corruption point herself.
Mutable Metal
CN5 (-10)
Non-magical metal object you touch becomes warm, mutable object you bend and manipulate with a Strength +20 test (or +20 Smith or appropriate skill). 
Stoke Forge*
CN3 (+0)
Kindle flames from a fuel source into a blazing inferno, suitable for burning. The magic instantly ignites the fuel, but does not work on anything except wood, charcoal, oil, etc., which is burns through at an appropriate pace (oil 1d5 rounds). Takes 1d5 rounds to grow from kindles to forge-strength. Inflicts Ablaze +3 on any who step into the flames.
Transmutation of Chamon
CN12 (-40
Enemies within Willpower yards in an area Will. Bonus yards in diameter have their flesh turned to metal. They are damaged +WB ignoring toughness and armor, inflicting Blind, Deafened, and Stunned. Lasts WB rounds, during which the enemies Suffocate (WFRP181) and have +1 AP. If they die, they remain a metal statue.
Tale of Metal*
CN7 (-20)
See the memories of a metal item, from its forging and creation through all the important times it has seen use (e.g. wielded as a sword in battle or hammer in a shop). The memories are from the item's perspective, not the wielder's, though dramatic events such as battles, slaying of important foes, and use in monumental works will have more salience for the object itself as well. Sorting through the memories to find specific information requires an Intuition test (I) or appropriate skill and likely several hours of contact with the item, unless it was a very recent event. 


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