Monday, August 26, 2019

Soulstealer Sword

Write up for the chaos magic sword that has taken on a strong prominence in our weekly WFRP game. The sword was thrown into a river in Gisoreux due to warping one of the companions, and then recently retrieved by one characters prayers to the chaos gods and spending a permanent Fate point. I like a magic item with a history and personality so here goes. Much of this is secret to the players.

Mighty zweihander (SB+5, hack, damaging), graven with an open eye at the base of the blade. (1) Ignores all APs (not TB), (2) +SB damage (x2) against Large or larger foes, (3) whispers dreams of madness and bloodlust into the wielder: Cool (WP) test after slaying someone with it to avoid gaining Corruption 1 points; Cool (WP) test to not get lost in slaughter, such as the sack of a city or raid, which leads to more corruption if innocents are slain. While on such a 'bender' after failing the corruption test, wielder gains effects of 
frenzy. The soul the sword ultimately steals is the wielder's; after becoming a chaos mutant, the wielder finds his mind bound to do the bidding of Margubilex, a chaos demon prince.

The Sword was first wielded by Kislevite-turned-Chaos-champion warlord Ivar the Bloodletter 600 years ago, who sacked many towns in Ostland and Nordland before being defeated by wood elves and Imperial forces. It was said to be a gift from the Chaos Prince Margubilex the Mighty, who's 'secret name' is rumored to be inscribed in chaos runes on the underside of the crosspiece. Ivar's Norscan allies rescued the blade after the battle of the Soddenfields, and after many wars in the frozen north, the sword came to the hand of Grimdane the Black who was slain by a Grail knight Sir Ghishelm 200 years ago while raiding up river from Bordeleux. Grimdane also slew the Grail Knight, and the blade was interred with him in a Grail Chapel erected in Sir Ghishelm's memory. 

The recent turmoil unleashed by the War of the Plague between Agravaine of Aquitaine and Duke Albericht of Bordeleux allowed a beastmen warherd to sack the nearby settlement and seize the sword from Ghishelm's tomb, where it had called to the brayshaman. It then came into the Party's hands. The sword seeks to transform the wielder into a mighty warlord who can cut down the great champions of order. 

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